Set IR timeout period

Command Code:

Binary: [1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1] [0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0] [timeout period (TOH)] [timeout period (TOL)]


TOH * 256 + TOL equals the timeout period in IR sample periods. The timeout period defines how long the IR receiver module must be inactive for the Slink-e to consider a message to be completed. Most IR remotes repeat commands many times for one keypress. If you want to see each command as a separate message, set the timeout period to be less than the off time between commands. If you want to see the keypress as one long message with repeated commands, set the timeout period to be longer than the off time between commands. The later mode is particularly useful for initially determining the timing information for a new remote.  Slink-e will return a timeout period equals response to verify your command. At startup TO=250, which corresponds to 50ms with the default 200us IR sampling period.